Monday, August 27, 2007

Raspberry Vanilla Ice Cream

I've poured through scores of ice cream recipes and most use a custard base. Since fast and simple recipes are more to my liking, I've embarked on an excursion into ice cream recipe formulation. It involves a lot of taste testing on my part, but somebody has to do it!!!

2C raspberry puree
1C half & half
1C simple syrup
1/2C heavy cream
2t vanilla paste
When fresh berries are unavailable use 2 bags of frozen berries and add them half frozen to a food processor, then puree until the seeds are broken up. I confess, I'm lazy; I tried forcing the puree through a sieve and realized it was useless. We need more fiber in our diets anyway!
Add the other ingredients to a large measuring cup and measure out 2 cups of the puree, add it to the liquids, then stir until well incorporated. Pour into your ice cream freezer and follow manufacturer's instructions.

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