Sunday, November 11, 2007

Marinated Herb Cheese

4 oz. regular cream cheese
4 oz. feta cheese (see Note)
2 cloves of garlic, peeled
¾ cup or more extra virgin olive oil
3 sprigs fresh herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, marjoram
4-6 whole peppercorns

In a food processor, thoroughly blend the cheeses and garlic cloves to form a smooth paste. Line a mold, or several small molds, with damp cheese cloth or plastic wrap. For example, you may use small ramekins, teacups, small bread tins the inverted cover of a butter dish. With a spatula, spoon the cheese mixture into the cheesecloth lined mold(s) and smooth out the surface. Refrigerate until firm.

Select a wide-mouthed, air-tight jar or other container, one just large enough to hold 2 cups of liquid. Remove the cheese from the mold/cheesecloth or plastic wrap and cut into 4 chunks, fairly large in size but small enough to fit in the jar. Drop cheese pieces into jar. Insert the fresh herbs and peppercorns along the sides of the jar. Pour enough oil to cover the cheese and herbs completely. Seal the jar and refrigerate for at least 2 days before using. Keep refrigerated.

Note: Some feta can be extremely salty. Buy feta that is less salty. French or Bulgarian feta is usually less salty than Greek feta. A technique for de-salting very salty feta cheese…soak it for about an hour in milk then rinse. For softer more spreadable result, you can substitute goat cheese for feta.


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